Amy is a committed community volunteer for causes ranging from local little league teams to advocating for victims of domestic and sexual abuse.
In fact, her first volunteer experience was at the age of 10 when she volunteered to pick up rocks to help build the first Keizer Little League field, where she played ball.
Amy has been involved in various capacities with multiple local organizations such as Salem/Keizer Schools, Boys and Girls Club, Salvation Army, Union Gospel Mission, United Way, Dayspring Church, Salem Alliance Church, Hoopla, KYBA, Keizer Little League, American Cancer Association, Keizer Iris Festival, Prison Ministries, Salem Chamber of Commerce, Keizer Chamber of Commerce, The Keizer Gift Basket Program, Special Olympics, Skyball, served as the Chair of KNOW, and is the founder of The Salem Chamber Business Women. Additionally, she’s also raised money for various causes and events–the number of which are too many to list.
Currently, Amy serves on the Advisory Board of the Salem/Keizer Volcanoes Minor League Baseball Team (the Single A affiliate team of the San Francisco Giants).
In 2014, Amy was elected to the Keizer City Council by an overwhelming 2-to-1 margin. During her tenure on the city council she was a champion of small business growth and community improvement projects. Her efforts led directly to the addition of over 1,000 jobs to the Keizer area, including the addition of In-n-Out Burger and Waremart.
As an unpaid city counselor, she also continued building her small business and knows what it means to sign the front of a pycheck and meet a payroll bfore she pays herself.
Amy is a committed community volunteer for causes ranging from local little league teams to advocating for victims of domestic and sexual abuse.
In fact, her first volunteer experience was at the age of 10 when she volunteered to pick up rocks to help build the first Keizer Little League field, where she played ball.
Amy has been involved in various capacities with multiple local organizations such as Salem/Keizer Schools, Boys and Girls Club, Salvation Army, Union Gospel Mission, United Way, Dayspring Church, Salem Alliance Church, Hoopla, KYBA, Keizer Little League, American Cancer Association, Keizer Iris Festival, Prison Ministries, Salem Chamber of Commerce, Keizer Chamber of Commerce, The Keizer Gift Basket Program, Special Olympics, Skyball, served as the Chair of KNOW, and is the founder of The Salem Chamber Business Women. Additionally, she’s also raised money for various causes and events–the number of which are too many to list.
Currently, Amy serves on the Advisory Board of the Salem/Keizer Volcanoes Minor League Baseball Team (the Single A affiliate team of the San Francisco Giants).
In 2014, Amy was elected to the Keizer City Council by an overwhelming 2-to-1 margin. During her tenure on the city council she was a champion of small business growth and community improvement projects. Her efforts led directly to the addition of over 1,000 jobs to the Keizer area, including the addition of In-n-Out Burger and Waremart.
As an unpaid city counselor, she also continued building her small business and knows what it means to sign the front of a pycheck and meet a payroll bfore she pays herself.
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If we are going to beat a 6-term incumbent who’s supported by BIG PHARMA and other special interests, I need three things from you:
1. Your Time 2. Your Talent 3. Your Treasure.