Amy Ryan Courser is running for Congress to create an America that respects the rights and freedoms of individuals like you.

America First

Amy believes in the same promise that Reagan made in his campaign for President in 1980 “Let’s Make America Great Again!”


America has massive inflation, and you don’t have to be an economist to realize how Joe Biden’s ridiculous financial decisions have created the downward spiral in our economy.

Law & Order

Back the blue is more than a rallying cry for our police. It’s one of the most important foundations of our nation.

National Debt

America has a national debt of over 34 TRILLION and climbing daily while we spend 1.8 BILLION each day in interest.


Oregon democrats and the federal government have a spending problem and grossly abuse the use of increasing taxes to cover their negligent mismanagement.

Constitutional Freedoms

The rights enumerated in our Constitution were first given by God to man – they are inherent and cannot be infringed upon by any government.


Amy Ryan Courser is running for Congress to create an America that respects the rights and freedoms of individuals like you.

America First

Amy believes in the same promise that Reagan made in his campaign for President in 1980 “Let’s Make America Great Again!”


America has massive inflation, and you don’t have to be an economist to realize how Joe Biden’s ridiculous financial decisions have created the downward spiral in our economy.

Law & Order

Back the blue is more than a rallying cry for our police. It’s one of the most important foundations of our nation.

National Debt

America has a national debt of over 34 TRILLION and climbing daily while we spend 1.8 BILLION each day in interest.


Oregon democrats and the federal government have a spending problem and grossly abuse the use of increasing taxes to cover their negligent mismanagement.

Constitutional Freedoms

The rights enumerated in our Constitution were first given by God to man – they are inherent and cannot be infringed upon by any government.

Donate Now

If we are going to defeat the well-funded Democrat establishment, I need three things from you: 1. Your Time 2. Your Talent 3. Your Treasure.
All donations securely processed through WinRed. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, address, occupation, and employer of individuals whose contribution exceeds $200 in an election cycle.

Our Campaign is powered by Volunteers Like You

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    Contact the Amy for Congress Campaign

    Phone: (503) 999-6972
    Email Address:
    5434 River Road N, #219
    Keizer, OR 97303
    YouTube: Watch Amy’s Videos

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