Amy believes that every human life is a gift from God. She is 100% Pro-life. Amy has a long-time relationship and past support/endorsements from Oregon Right to Life, the National Pro-Life Alliance and Pro-life fighter Governor Mike Huckabee. The data shows that there are 87,000 abortions each month and over 1 million abortions performed annually in the US. Amy believes that no life is dispensable, disposable or expendable. Though this is an emotional issue she will continue to listen to both sides and fight the battle to protect all life. She believes in being proactive and committed to education, prevention and connecting great resources and options with moms and families in order to protect the life of the unborn. You will learn that Amy is passionate about protecting all life, including the life of the mother in emergency situations. Though she will always be an advocate for the sanctity of life from conception to final breath she is a commonsense leader who believes that this is an issue we can find common ground on and like many issues we can do so much better for our future generations.